农学院2022年发表论文列表 |
作者 |
论文名称 |
期刊名称 |
年,期(刊)卷号及页码 |
任兰天 |
Screening of Heat-Tolerant Indica Rice Varieties in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River |
Agronomy |
2022,12,2462-2475 |
艾昊 |
Advances in molecular mechanisms underlying cadmium uptake and translocation in rice |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
13:1003953 |
李树成 |
Global patterns and controls of the soil microbial biomass response to elevated CO2 |
Geoderma |
2022(428)116153 |
闫素辉 |
磷肥对小麦淀粉粒度分布及黏度参数的影响 |
江汉大学学报 |
2022,50(5):50-55 |
闫素辉 |
沿淮地区小麦茎秆抗倒伏能力与 基部节间性状的关系 |
江汉大学学报 |
2022,50(5):41-49 |
黄先忠 |
十字花科植物PEBP基因家族的分子进化 |
生物多样性 |
2022,30(06):164-174 |
黄先忠 |
小鼠耳芥 MAPKKK 基因家族全基因组鉴定及进化与表达 |
遗传 |
2022,44(11): 1044-1055 |
黄先忠 |
小鼠耳芥PEBP基因家族全基因组鉴定及表达分析 |
遗传 |
2022,44(1):80-91 |
黄先忠 |
水稻穗发育特征及遗传调控进展 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2021, 35(6):36-41 |
黄先忠 |
辣椒组织总RNA两种提取方法 比较及qRT-PCR验证 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2021,35(6):42-47 |
黄先忠 |
The Current Progresses in the Genes and Networks Regulating Cotton Plant Architecture |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
2022;13:882583 |
黄先忠 |
Genome-Wide Identification, Evolution, and Expression Characterization of the Pepper (Capsicum spp.) MADS-box Gene Family |
Genes (Basel) |
2022;13(11):2047 |
黄先忠 |
Comparative Analysis on the Evolution of Flowering Genes in Sugar Pathway in Brassicaceae |
Genes (Basel) |
2022,13(10):1749 |
李杰勤 |
皖草2号RIL群体5个农艺性状的QTL定位 |
西昌学院学报 |
2022.03.1673-1891. |
李杰勤 |
Construction of high density genetic map and quantitative trait locus mapping in a sorghum Tx623A sudangrass S722 population |
Grassland science |
2022,12 |
余利 |
微生物源脂肽粗提物对克菌丹和代森锰锌增效活性 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2022,36(1):38-43 |
赵合明 |
Comparative Expression Profiling of Snf2 Family Genes During Reproductive Development and Stress Responses in Rice. |
Frontiers in Plant Science. |
13: 910663 |
赵合明 |
OsDDM1b Controls Grain Size by Influencing Cell Cycling and Regulating Homeostasis and Signaling of Brassinosteroid in Rice |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
13: 873993 |
胡能兵 |
辣椒矮化性状的遗传分析、初步定位及SSR标记筛选 |
西昌学院学报(自然科学版) |
2022,36(3):7-12 |
胡能兵 |
辣椒遗传转化技术的研究 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2022,36(3):21-26 |
李文阳 |
拔节期低温对小麦籽粒产量与灌浆期旗叶荧光参数的影响 |
生态科学 |
2022,41(06):33-40 |
李文阳 |
灌浆期高温胁迫对玉米籽粒淀粉粒度分布及黏度参数的影响 |
聊城大学学报 |
2022,35(06):104-110 |
王丽华 |
Identification of Candidate Forage Yield Genes in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Using Integrated Genome-Wide Association Studies and RNA-Seq |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
2022.01 |
王丽华 |
Development and application of InDel markers based on sudangrass RAD-seq data |
ScienceAsia |
2022.04.15 |
陈磊 |
Mapping of Two Major QTLs Controlling Flowering Time in Brassica napus Using a High-Density Genetic Map |
Plants |
2022,11(19):2635 |
郑甲成 |
Late sowing and nitrogen application to optimize canopy structure and grain yield of bread wheat in a fluctuating climate |
Turk J Field Crops |
2022, 26(2), 170-179. |
郑甲成 |
Enhanced biomass and thermotolerance of Arabidopsis by SiERECTA isolated from Setaria italica L. |
Peer J |
2022, 10: e14452 |
郑甲成 |
SbER10_X1 调控饲用高粱光合作用和生物产量的功能特性分析 |
草业学报 |
2022, |
郑甲成 |
甜高粱种质资源可溶性糖的积累规律研究 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2021,35(05):72-76. |
程昕昕 |
甜玉米抗非生物胁迫研究进展 |
分子植物育种 |
202208 |
程昕昕 |
不同甜玉米品系籽粒的感官品质及主要TPA特性 |
江汉大学学报 |
2022,05(20) |
李瑞宁 |
菜用大豆发芽期耐低温性鉴定及种质筛选 |
大豆科学 |
2021, 40(6):792-798 |
舒英杰 |
五河县不同生境野生大豆叶荚性状及饲用品质的比较 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2022,36(05):30-34 |
何克勤 |
栝楼的组织培养 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2022,36(1):44-49 |
隋益虎 |
27份番茄种质资源遗传多样性的RAPD聚类分析 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2022,36(5):30-34 |
高青海 |
饼肥代替化肥对西瓜生长及生理特性的影响 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2022,36(5):20-24 |
张开京 |
Genome-wide identification of GASA gene family in ten Cucurbitaceae species and expression analysis in cucumber |
Agronomy |
2022, 12 (8): 1978 |
张开京 |
Integrated analysis of transcriptome and metabolome reveals new insights into the formation of purple leaf veins and leaf edge cracks in Brassica juncea |
Plants |
2022, 11 (17): 2229 |
张开京 |
Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of eggplant DIR gene family in response to biotic and abiotic stresses |
Horticulturae |
2022, 8 (8): 732 |
钱晶晶 |
Pakistan Journal of Botany |
54(6): 2167-2172, 2022 |
钱晶晶 |
Molecular Dissection Unveiling Dwarfing Effects of Plant Growth Retardants on Pomegranate |
Frointers in Plant Science |
13: 866193 |
钱晶晶 |
Na2CO3 和 NaHCO3 混合盐溶液对黄瓜种子发芽特性的影响 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2022,36(4):31-37 |
张雪平 |
切花非洲菊不同外植体初代培养的比较研究 |
现代园艺 |
2022(10):7-9. |
何华奇 |
Green synthesis of ultrasmall selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) using Hericium erinaceus polysaccharide (HEP) as nanozymes for efficient intracellular antioxidation |
Materials Letters |
2022, 317:132079 |
何华奇 |
大球盖菇种质资源遗传多样性 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2022,36(4):38-43 |
邢素芝 |
丙氨酸浸种对水稻发芽及幼苗生长和养分元素含量的影响 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2022,36(04) |
毕亚玲 |
喹草酮等10种除草剂对高粱安全性及主要杂草活性评价 |
东北农业大学学报 |
2022,53(5):8-19 |
毕亚玲 |
三氯吡氧乙酸对小麦的安全性及生物活性评价 |
麦类作物学报 |
2022,42(5):1-8 |
毕亚玲 |
江淮部分地区麦田日本看麦娘对精噁唑禾草灵的抗性及其交互抗性 |
麦类作物学报 |
2022,42(7):1-10 |
毕亚玲 |
砜吡草唑除草活性及对玉米的安全性评价 |
玉米科学 |
2022,30(6):149-155 |
毕亚玲 |
17种除草剂对冬小麦田阿拉伯婆婆纳的活性及田间防效评价 |
草业科学 |
2022,39(12) |
毕亚玲 |
安徽省直播稻田千金子、稗草对氰氟草酯的抗性及药剂筛选 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2022,36(6) |
毕亚玲 |
砜吡草唑对小麦田杂草的除草活性及安全性评价 |
农药 |
2022,61(11):850-854 |
杜军利 |
Smad on X is vital for larval-pupal transition in a herbivorous ladybird beetle |
Journal of Insect Physiology |
2022, 139: 104387 |
段海明 |
农业高校植物检疫学课程思政元素挖掘与实践 |
西昌学院学报(自然科学版) |
2022, 36(1): 110-113. |
黄保宏 |
蚱蝉孵化特性研究 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2022,36(6):56-59? |
黄保宏 |
新农科背景下农学类专业质量监控标准的构建——以星空网页版登录入口农学类专业为例 |
安徽农业科学 |
2022,50(19):277-279 |
黄伟东 |
Synergetic Antimicrobial Effect of Silver Nanoparticles Conjugated with Iprodione against Valsa mali |
Materials |
2022, 15(15): 5147-5156 |
黄伟东 |
Microwave-assisted synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their inhibitory activity against Rhizoctonia solani on maize |
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals |
2022, 738(1): 128-138 |
黄伟东 |
Synergistic Antifungal Effect of Silver Nanoparticles Combined with Mancozeb against Botryosphaeria dothidea |
Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry |
2022, DOI: 10.1080/24701556.2022.2072344 |
王增霞 |
Molecular and Functional Characterization of Peptidoglycan Recognition Proteins OfPGRP-A and OfPGRP-B in Ostrinia furnacalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) |
Insects |
2022,13(5):417-428. |
王增霞 |
Screening of immune-related genes against bacterial infection in Ostrinia furnacalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) |
European Journal of Entomology |
2022,119:388-397. |
王增霞 |
夜蛾黑卵蜂转录组及化学感受相关基因的分析 |
植物保护 |
2022,48(6):264-277. |
王增霞 |
安徽省草地贪夜蛾天敌资源调查与鉴定 |
星空网页版登录入口学报 |
2022,36(5):35-41. |